The ground-breaking exhibition 阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者 created an opportunity for Columbia College Chicago 和 City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs 和 Special 事件 to collaborate.

Amy Mooney教授, 研究莫特利工作的乐博平台APP, 有联系的教员, 教职员工和学生欣赏这位艺术家的作品, curating a dynamic series of citywide programs that will unfold over the course of the exhibition. This page provides updates on the latest performances as well as curricular materials developed to support investigation of this innovative artist.

莫特利作品的主题——身份, migration 和 social change—continue to resonate with contemporary audiences. 从口语到爵士舞蹈, 我们将探讨莫特利时代的历史背景, 向艺术家独特的视野致敬. Following our college’s mission of embracing cultural diversity 和 civic engagement, 我们会教, tap 和 collaborate with partners across the city to bring forth new work that connects the past with the present, 为未来提供灵感.

这次展览 阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者 包括这位现代大师的42幅油画, 从超现实主义的肖像到芝加哥充满活力的街景, 巴黎和墨西哥的城镇. Archibald Motley (1891-1981) was one of the first African-American artists to graduate from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago 和 achieve international acclaim. 关注非裔美国人主题, 莫特利的画作反映了一个变化的时代, from the Great Migration to the Chicago Renaissance to the seeding of the Civil Rights Movement. His unflinching investigations of race, class 和 gender remain relevant 和 inspiring. 就像他同时代的人在文学和音乐领域一样, 莫特利富有想象力地试验了他的手艺的正式性质, 使他的油画具有强烈的色度, 夸张的手势和有节奏的构图.

博士策划. 理查德·鲍威尔和杜克大学的纳什博物馆, 这次展览已经在沃斯堡的阿蒙·卡特博物馆展出, 德州, 以及洛杉矶县艺术博物馆. 在芝加哥文化中心安装之后, the exhibition will end its tour as one of the inaugural shows for the new Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City.

  • 音频指南


  • 教育资源

    这次展览 阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者 启发了当代教学艺术家,如小塞西尔·麦克唐纳. (项目的目标 teaching artist) to consider how the painter inspired his own investigations of identity 和 community. 和我们在乐博平台APP的合作伙伴 教育部社区艺术合作中心 (工厂), we devised a series of teacher workshops that supported the exploration of the Big Ideas in Motley’s work, 包括身份, 移民与社区建设. 我们遵循……的做法 项目的目标, 该项目旨在促进艺术家和教师的合作, infusing classrooms with creativity 和 experiential learning that connect personal experiences to the core curriculum.

    The resources gathered here span from fourth-grade social studies units to 12th-grade investigations of the self. 另外, we have two gallery guides to support tours of exhibition—one developed by our colleagues at the 教育部 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for grades K-12 和 another developed with colleagues from Columbia’s 当代摄影博物馆一年级的课程 吸引成人学习者. We hope that you will visit the site frequently 和 adapt these plans for your own use 和 most, 重要的是, 亲自参观展览!


    事件 & 研讨会

    As part of Columbia’s programming for the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs 和 Special 事件’ exhibition 阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者, 我们邀请芝加哥的老师来“连接”, 通过参加下面的一个会议来进行协作和创造. The programs are free, but space is limited 和 teachers must register in advance at


    3月14日星期六或4月25日上午10点.m.-4 p.m.

    乐博平台APP,E . 33. 国会公园路,rm. 421

    Each of these day-long sessions will present K-12 teachers with opportunities to look, 学习和联系莫特利作品的主题:身份, 移民和芝加哥布朗兹维尔的经历. The program presents strategies to incorporate the visual arts into the classroom with activities that explore the artistic process, 将艺术作品视为主要来源, 并强调视觉艺术和核心内容领域之间的相似之处. Educators will hear from 芝加哥公立学校 teachers who developed lesson plans around Motley’s work 和 enjoy tours of the exhibition. Teaching Artists from Columbia’s renowned 社区艺术合作中心 will also share ways of bringing the concepts of community-based learning, 艺术整合课程和互惠伙伴关系成为人们关注的焦点. 感兴趣的参与者可获得CPDU学分. Curriculum materials containing a thematic essay, art images 和 descriptions will also be available. All programs are interdisciplinary 和 are developed to meet Illinois 和 Common Core st和ards.



    芝加哥文化中心,78 E. 华盛顿圣.西德尼·R. 耶茨画廊

    5-6点的教师演讲.m.北1楼Garl和 Room

    Each of these evening events will present K-12 teachers with opportunities to look, 学习和联系莫特利作品的主题:身份, 移民和芝加哥布朗兹维尔的经历. 教育工作者将收到课程材料, hear from CPS teachers who developed lesson plans around Motley’s work 和 enjoy tours of the exhibition.

  • 致谢

    这是任何合作的核心, there is a mutual acknowledgment of the importance of the work 和 of the power of the arts to affect 和 change our lives. 联系、合作和创造:阿奇博尔德·莫特利的艺术 testifies to the ways that our College is mindful of our history 和 working to hone our future. 我们的教师, 员工和学生建立联系, 与社区内外的其他人一起工作, 和 create dynamic 和 thoughtful artistic expressions that address the concerns of contemporary society. This programming would not be possible without our colleagues at the Department of Cultural Affairs 和 Special 事件 as well as the efforts of the following:

    乐博平台APP艺术与设计系、商科系 & 创业, 创意写作, 跳舞, Education 和 音乐 as well as The Office of the Dean of School of 美术及表演艺术, 黑人音乐研究中心, 社区艺术合作中心, 有创意的服务, 第一年研讨会, 当代摄影与公共关系博物馆.

    全市合作伙伴包括:Black Cinema House, 芝加哥电影资料馆, 芝加哥历史博物馆, 芝加哥爵士学院, 芝加哥爵士表演赛, 芝加哥公共图书馆, 卡特·伍德森分行, 薇薇安·哈什档案, 芝加哥公立学校, 艺术教育系, 海德公园爵士协会, Illinois Arts Education Society 和 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

    这次展览, 阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者 originated at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University 和 was curated by Richard J. 鲍威尔,杜克大学约翰·斯宾塞·巴塞特艺术和艺术史教授. Grant support to the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs 和 Special 事件 provided by the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University 和 Terra Foundation for American Art. Support to the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University provided by the Terra Foundation for American Art; the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor; 和 Henry Luce Foundation; 和 Wyeth Foundation for American Art.


阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者 is organized by the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University. This exhibition is made possible by the Terra Foundation for American Art; the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor; 和 Henry Luce Foundation. 主要资助由惠氏美国艺术基金会提供. 视频内容由杜克大学纳什艺术博物馆提供.

阿奇博尔德·莫特利:爵士时代的现代主义者 将于2015年3月7日至8月31日在 芝加哥文化中心,78 E. 华盛顿圣.,芝加哥.