
A multi-workshop symposium on innovation through inclusivity. 由乐博平台APP时尚研究系主办.


关于 the Symposium

Colbey Reid, Chair, 时尚的研究

Listening in on a patternmaking and construction class one day, 我听到一位教师向学生解释一种标准的技术,然后用一个常见的免责声明来补充:“但是当你和一个活生生的身体一起工作时, you may have to modify the standard." At first, I laughed: what else  a live body would they be working with?! 为什么有一个标准只适用于特殊情况?! But of course, I knew what they meant: 如果您没有使用人体模型或服装形式(或数字软件). In fact, fashion often does not start with a live body.
但这个短语引起了我的注意,也可以指其他事情,比如:当 你是在和一个活生生的人一起工作,而不是一个文化决定的人, historically specific idealized image. Or: 当你要处理一个会在世界上移动的人体而不仅仅是在照片上.  Or simply, to frame it a little differently: 当你在处理人类身体呈现的无限变化时, fashion's "standard" often doesn't work—and as we all know, it is also sometimes experienced as actively shaming, 惩罚, 管教, 和排他性. 
时尚的羞辱版绝对不是我们在乐博平台APP要教的. But what does that mean? 换句话说,制作、销售、零售、营销和庆祝时尚是什么意思  而不是 denies the existence of (most people's) bodies? That, broadly speaking, is what this week is about.



August 14, 15, 17, and 18, 2023



10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

New Embodiments in Fashion

Room: 618 South 密歇根大街., 2nd Floor, Room 207

Facilitators: Deb Christel and Ben Barry, co-editors of Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution

描述:时尚的新体现,与Deb Christel和Ben Barry共同编辑的工作坊 Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution. 巴里在讲话 The Vogue Business 她是纽约帕森斯设计学院(Parsons School of Design)时尚学院公平与包容系主任兼副教授. Deb Christel is the founder, 总统, and CEO of Kade & Vos, a size-inclusive online women's clothing company. 本次工作坊将介绍一系列以身体为中心的时尚产品开发教学方法, 销售, 样式, 和设计.

The workshop is appropriate for all faculty and staff.


1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Break for Lunch (BYO)



2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Size Inclusivity: A Primer

Room: 618 South 密歇根大街., 2nd Floor,  Room 207

Facilitator: Deb Christel, co-editor of Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution

描述: Size Inclusivity: A Primer, a workshop with Deb Christel. 本次研讨会将借鉴Deb作为乐博平台APP、活动家和企业家的工作. Deb describes this work on her LinkedIn page like this:

我热衷于在时尚界为女性创造平等. 对我来说,这始于数据驱动的决策,而不是假设. This has led me to create Kade & Vos, a size inclusive, online women's clothing company. 我相信体重偏见和耻辱是我们这个世界上许多问题的根源,我对商业和设计的态度源于爱和同情. 穿合身的衣服的办法不是减肥或改变体型, it is changing the clothing. 
The workshop is appropriate for everyone. 




10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Hands-On Plus-Size Patternmaking and Draping Workshop

Room: 623 South Wabash, 7th Floor, Room 701

Facilitator: Deb Christel, co-editor of Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution

描述: 本工作坊只适合产品开发人员和设计师.


Book Club Discussions

Room: 618 South 密歇根大街., 2nd Floor, Room 207

描述: An opportunity to discuss a chapter or two from Deb and Ben's book, Fashion Education: The Systemic RevolutionWe will provide a book for everyone on Monday and make several rooms available and comfortable; we will also suggest which chapters to read so that everyone is on the same page! 

This workshop is appropriate for individuals who arent制造商.


1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Department Meeting and Catered Lunch* 

Room: 618 South 密歇根大街., 2nd Floor, Room 207

*Note: The meeting is for Columbia full-time and part-time faculty; industry and school visitors can also still order a catered lunch.


2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

New Embodinments in Fashion Retail Panel Discussion

Room: 618 South 密歇根大街, 2nd Floor

Panelists: Jimmy Zollo, Joe & 贝拉; 凯特VanAsten, Wulfka; Korri Burton-Universe, 不常见的衣柜; Simone Tobias @simonetobiasswimwear; Jae Rice, Brave Space Alliance. Moderater: Amber McCulloch.

描述: New Embodiments in Fashion Retail Panel Discussion.

This panel is appropriate for everyone.


Wednesday, August 16


NO WORKSHOPS - Please attend the all-college retreat (required for full-time faculty; optional for part-time faculty)


Thursday, August 17


没有上午工作坊-请参加学生成功会议和, 如果需要, 在重新召开研讨会之前,请享用午餐(仅限全职教师)。



2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

How to Talk 关于 Disability With Anyone--And Why

618 S. 密歇根大街., 5th Floor, Room 516

Room: 618 South 密歇根大街., 5th Floor,  Room 516 

Facilitator: Estela Lugo

描述: How To Talk 关于 Disability With AnyoneAnd Why, a workshop with Estela Lugo. Estela was diagnosed with 进行性神经病变,Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), 4岁. 她毕业于FIT,获得室内设计学士学位. 今天, her professional background in design, 市场营销, 趋势预测, 创意方向带来了一种意想不到的方法,将残疾人社区与健康联系起来, empowerment, and health. Estela 在时尚技术学院为他们的社会影响设计项目共同教授包容性和适应性设计. 

This workshop is appropriate for everyone.




10 a.m. – 1 p.m.


Room: 623 South Wabash, 7th Floor, Room 715

Facilitator:  Reyes Witt, Columbia College Chicago

描述: 使用3D软件教授包容性设计:介绍Browzwear, a workshop with Reyes Witt. Reyes is a Practitioner in Residence at Columbia College Chicago; she came to us in 2022 with over twenty years of experience in product design management and continues to consult in this space. 雷耶斯教授3D 技术,以帮助快速的数字原型和快速进入市场的战略 Adaptive Fashion, Size Inclusion, and Gender Fluidity. She will begin this workshop with a case study on adaptive fashion, drawn from her own class on Fashion Design Solutions, which was featured on WBEZ Chicago in January 2023. 然后,参与者将学习Browzwear基础知识,并在软件中完成一个简短的设计任务. 

本研讨会适合产品开发人员和设计人员, though everyone may enjoy the first part.



Room: 618 South 密歇根大街, 8th Floor, Room 801B 

Facilitator: Natalie Craig, Columbia College Chicago

描述: Inclusive Styling Masterclass, with Natalie Craig. 娜塔莉在芝加哥乐博平台APP商业和创业系任教,是“芝加哥大号生活方式创造者”和社交媒体影响者. 这个研讨会将讨论娜塔莉作为造型师和影响者的工作.

This workshop is appropriate for everyone.


1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Break for Lunch (BYO)



2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Critical Response Process

Room: 1306 South 密歇根大街.104室

Facilitator: Liza Gonzales, Columbia College Chicago

描述: Critical Response Process, a workshop with Lisa Gonzales. Lisa is the Chair of the 跳舞 department Columbia, where she also has taught cours 在编舞,即兴,当代技术和经验解剖.  她被《乐博平台APP》描述为“具有惊人力量和细微差别”的表演者 纽约时报 and remains professionally devoted to the practices of performing, 即兴创作, choreographing and teaching. 这个工作坊将教会我们一种可能适合我们时尚研究的批评方法, 被称为 Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process. 在这个批判过程中工作,确实提高了舞蹈领域的意识,让他们意识到强加审美观点与支持制作者的声音和意图之间的区别, 这本身就是一种无意中表达种族和文化偏见并将其强加于他人的方式. 批判性回应过程是一种简化的四步方法,强调对话和探究的价值,以及艺术家在针对其作品的批评中行使一定程度控制的机会. 



4 p.m. – 5 p.m.


Room: 1306 South 密歇根大街.104室

主持人:N / A

描述:  We will end with a discussion of ideas, 担忧, and plans for Fall 2023 syllabi, 类经验, 和作业 基于每个人s learnings and takeaways from the symposium. 

This workshop is for everyone!