

  • 谁是转学生?

    如果你已经被大学录取了, 社区学院, 高中毕业后再上大学, 家学校, 或者你的GED证书, then you're a transfer student 和 you're in the right place. 欢迎!

  • Where can I find everything I need to know in one place?

    The transfer process can vary a great deal from student to student—that's why it's so important to engage with us as early as possible, 和 that's also why there isn't a "one-size-fits-all" set of instructions. 但, if you want something that can serve as a quick reference for what you should be doing 和 thinking about at every stage, 你可以浏览我们的 检查表时间轴 转学生.

    It's also never too early (or too late) for you to reach out to one of 乐博平台APP的转学专家 获得个性化帮助. Each 转会专家 is assigned to specific colleges within Illinois, 或者(伊利诺斯州以外)到特定的州.

  • 什么类型的学生转学到乐博平台APP?

    All sorts of students choose the transfer path to Columbia, 无论你在哪里,我们都准备好迎接你. 我们帮助:

    • High school students who already know they'll be enrolling at a 社区学院 before applying to Columbia. 伸出援手永远不会嫌早.
    • Community college students who are ready to take that step toward their bachelor's degree. Some students have earned an associate degree; some haven't-都可以.
    • 学生 at four-year colleges or universities who are looking for a change 和 want to complete their bachelor's in our creative learning environment.
  • 如果我现在就准备好申请呢?

    这很简单! 你会找到完整的应用说明 在这一页.

    但你不必一个人去做. 如果你有问题,请提问 转会专家 在这个过程中的任何阶段都能帮到你吗.


We offer both virtual 和 in-person events to help you figure out your best path to Columbia.

1 _on-the-road_2018.jpg

下午5点半到8点来拜访我们.m. 和 you can chat with 转会专家s 和 current students, 参观校园, 我也会回答你所有关于转学的问题.




不能来我们的校园吗? Sign up for a virtual info session to hear from our 转会专家s. 活动下午5点开始.m. 中央U.S. 我们将在活动开始前分享一个缩放链接.




  • 家庭
  • 有兴趣参加的学生
  • 转学



这是头号问题, 和 we've got some resources that can not only help you figure out how credits you've already earned will transfer, but also help you make decisions about which courses you might take BEFORE you transfer to Columbia.


你绝对应该知道的一个资源是 转移ology.com. 有转帐账户, you can compare courses from your current college with courses offered at Columbia 和 see how your courses might meet Columbia's requirements.

循序渐进的指导 他会告诉你整个过程吗, 当你点击“请求信息”时," 转移ology will send your information to us so we can develop personalized guidance for you.


The Illinois Articulation Initiative 和 the General Education 核心课程

Columbia College Chicago participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative, which means (among other things) that we accept credits in the General Education 核心课程 in satisfaction of our own Columbia Core requirements—with a few key exceptions your 转会专家 can go over with you.

If you're looking for classes to take at an Illinois 社区学院, ask your advisor to keep you on track to finish the GECC.



一些合作学校已经建立 保证入学和反向转学计划 给学生 the option of transferring Columbia credits back to their prior institution to count toward completion of their associate degree. You can find a list of schools, along with the complete terms of each agreement, at the link above.



与我们的合作机构共同制作, 转移 Guides are four-year plans that demonstrate a pathway from a specific 社区学院 program to a corresponding Columbia program. You can download a 转移 Guide for your school 和 program from the list below.

NOTE: The information below relates to agreements between Columbia 和 specific colleges, but we will evaluate credits earned at any regionally accredited college. If your college does not appear on the list below, please contact transfer@tupuoiconlamagia.net 了解更多信息.


这个问题的答案因人而异, but if you want to get a sense of what you might be taking at Columbia, 你可以看看我们目前的转移计划.

These degree plans outline the courses required to complete your chosen major. Use the button below to find your intended major 和 scroll down to the transfer-specific plan.

