
In the 游戏设计 major at 芝加哥乐博平台APP, you’ll design games and simulations in terms of gameplay, 叙述, 以及用户体验. Mastering a creative skill takes a tremendous amount of practice. That’s why you’ll make games in nearly every gaming class at Columbia and build your skillset over time. And you’ll learn 从 some of the best—our talented Faculty members are experienced professionals who bring their passion for games into the classroom. 在你的最后一年, you’ll develop an entire finished game product with other game-related majors in a capstone experience we’ve designed to mirror the professional game-industry production model. 学生 in the 游戏设计 major choose one of two concentrations: 游戏开发 or 声音设计.




In this concentration, you’ll develop 作为一个设计师. As a designer, you’ll be trained in personal organization and self-leadership. 自我领导意味着倾听的能力, 做个决定, and apply the critical values and virtues of a confident, 雅致的专业. You’ll also apply your growth as a personal leader to multiple team settings. 深入了解敏捷或精益等团队流程, and emulate best team practices like the “team of teams” style used at Naughty Dog and the “vertical T-style” team practice used at Valve. 最后, 作为一个设计师, you will learn to think like a designer: understand systems, 学会权衡取舍, and develop your own singular voice as a creative professional.

If you’re more interested in the programming side of creating games, 看看我们的学士学位课程 游戏编程.


Game sound is about more than placing a great song in a game; it’s about building emotion and impact through audio, whether that’s the explosive noise of a gun blast or the subtle sound of an empty room. You’ll learn both music theory and scripting skills, and acquire advanced knowledge of acoustics and digital audio, 工作室制作技术和技巧, 以及声音的美学. Because sound is a concept that crosses department lines, you’ll take courses with other sound students 从 the 互动艺术与媒体 Department, 音乐系, 以及音响艺术与声学系. When you graduate, you’ll be prepared to work in a professional sound-design environment.

In the Classroom


In your first semester at 芝加哥乐博平台APP, 你将学习《乐博平台APP》, a requirement for all students in 互动艺术与媒体 game programs. This course identifies the characteristics of the different game genres and the career paths in the industry. 你将了解游戏美工的不同之处, 设计师, 程序员, 声音艺术家, 以及介于两者之间的一切, so you can choose the program that best suits your interests. You’ll hit the ground running, learning core theory and immediately putting it into practice. 例如, you’ll learn foundational theories and practices in interaction and development and then build your skills through practical assignments like sketching, 原型设计, and designing as you study the fundamentals of 3D game art creation.


As a senior, you’ll take part in our two-semester, cross-program capstone course. 如果你在 游戏开发 concentration, you’ll take part in a team capstone project that ends in a finished and playable game. 声音设计 students create their own version of a sound design production company, 提供声音, 对话, 还有顶点比赛的音乐.

Game Studio Capstone

这不是一般的高年级项目. Developed by our Faculty members to mirror the gaming-industry production model, the capstone allows you to work in small (Indie Game Studio) or large (Large Team Game Studio) groups to develop a game. 经过两个学期的学习, you and your team will pitch the initial concepts, 设计所有必要的美术和声音资产, 测试的原型, 并提供一款可玩的游戏.

在游戏美术专业的高年级学生组成的合作团队中, 游戏设计, 游戏编程, 和游戏音效, 你做出创造性的决定, 分工工作, 管理项目. As you build the game you might even bring in expertise 从 other Columbia students who study film, 代理, 画外音, 或者创意写作. Our Faculty members are there to supervise the course, but this is a student-led project that requires professional-level work and commitment. 在年底, you’ll have portfolio-ready pieces that will help you launch a career in the game industry.

Outside the Classroom

You’ll get real-world opportunities to show your stuff while you’re in school. 机会每年都不一样, 但在过去, 学生们已经测试了他们的技能, 与专业人士建立联系, 并在一些活动上展示他们的作品,比如

  • 游戏开发者大会 (GDC) in San Francisco: the world’s largest professionals-only game industry event.
  • 芝加哥玩具和游戏博览会: Indie Team Game Studio students are required to show there each year.
  • 工业夜及舱单: Every year the 互动艺术与媒体 Department hosts industry professionals 从 across the country at Industry Night, an opportunity for graduating seniors to show their work and network with potential employers. 工业之夜的第二天是清单, Columbia's college-wide celebration of student work where you'll find game students displaying their work to their fellow students, Faculty, 工作人员, 以及哥伦比亚社区的其他成员.

Student Work


游戏设计 alumni find work at a variety of small and large firms in the gaming and entertainment industries. Firms students work at include Bungie, Jellyvision, Raven Software, Robomodo, and Skywalker Sound. We also have alumni who build simulations for major companies like John Deere and Walmart.

Our degree program will train you for careers in:

  • 游戏设计
  • QA(质量保证)测试
  • 脚本
  • 严肃的游戏设计
  • 仿真设计
  • 声音设计
  • 音效设计



Our Faculty members are working professionals and experts in the field. 的y’re award-winning game 设计师, accomplished audio artists, and expert 程序员. 他们是敬业的老师, bringing their knowledge of groundbreaking theories and techniques into the classroom.
