
Game artists imagine the visuals that bring video games to life. From the game's environment—the hillsides, 黑暗的洞穴, the rooms—to the characters themselves, game art visually connects the gamer to the game. As a student in the 游戏艺术 BA program at 芝加哥乐博平台APP, you’ll create visually striking and compelling 3D art and learn how to implement those art pieces into a game engine.

作为游戏美术专业的学生, you’ll build games right away in your first semester and create many more throughout your time at Columbia. 的 software tools you’ll use in class are the same ones you’ll use as a professional game artist. And our curriculum mirrors the collaborative environment of the game industry. 的 游戏艺术 program will give you the technical skills you'll need to compete for a job in the industry, with experience working on a team, you’ll be a valuable candidate for employers.

Dwelling Hands, piece of student work

In the Classroom

What to expect your first year

You’ll take Intro to Game Development your first semester, a requirement for all students in 互动艺术与媒体 game programs. This course identifies the characteristics of the different game genres and the career paths in the industry. You'll learn what differentiates game artists, 设计师, 程序员, 声音艺术家, 以及介于两者之间的一切, so you can choose the program that best suits your interests.

You’ll hit the ground running, learning core theory and immediately putting it into practice. 例如, you’ll learn foundational theories and practices in interaction and development and then build your skills through practical assignments like sketching, 原型设计, designing while you study the fundamentals of 3D game art creation.

What to expect your last year

In your junior and senior years, you’ll likely begin to concentrate on your area of interest, whether it’s character modeling or environment art. Courses like 3D Digital Sculpting will test your abilities as you paint and texture advanced characters for games. In your senior year, you’ll take part in our two-semester capstone experience.

Game Studio Capstone

This isn’t your average senior project. Developed by our faculty to mirror the gaming industry production model, the capstone will allow you to work in small (Indie Game Studio) or large (Large Team Game Studio) groups to develop a game. 在一年的时间里, you and your team will pitch the initial concepts, design all the necessary art and sound assets, 测试的原型, 并提供一款可玩的游戏.

Within a collaborative team formed 从 seniors in 游戏艺术, 游戏设计, 游戏编程, 和游戏音效, you will make the creative decisions, 分工工作, 管理项目. 当你创建游戏时, you might even bring in expertise 从 other Columbia students who study film, 代理, 画外音, 或者创意写作. Our faculty members are there to supervise the course, but this is a student-led project that requires professional-level work and commitment. At the end of the year you’ll have portfolio-ready pieces to successfully launch your career in the game industry.

Outside the Classroom

At Columbia, you’ll get real-world opportunities to show your stuff while you’re in school. 的 opportunities differ 从 year to year, 但在过去, students have tested their skills, networked with professionals, shown off their work at events like

  • 游戏开发者大会 (GDC) in San Francisco: the world’s largest professionals only game-industry event.
  • 芝加哥玩具和游戏博览会: Indie Team Game Studio students are required to show there each year.
  • 西南偏南 (SXSW): compete in events like the 音乐 Hackathon, where participants develop a prototype for a music app in just 24 hours.
  • 行业的晚上: the 互动艺术与媒体 Department’s annual event, where graduating seniors show their work to industry professionals 从 across the country.


游戏艺术 alumni are employed at a variety of small and large gaming and entertainment firms, including Incredible Technologies, 高压软件, 皮克斯, 维塔数字公司, NetherRealm工作室, 原始的刺激, 铁的星系, 乌鸦软件, 和索尼. Our 游戏艺术 alumni also build simulations for major companies like John Deere and Walmart.

Our degree program will train you for careers in

  • 动画
  • 资产的建模
  • 性格的艺术
  • 计算机图形学
  • 概念艺术
  • 环境艺术
  • 技术艺术
  • UI(用户界面)设计

Student Work


Nimah Kelly, 15岁

“You can’t just rely on the curriculum to get you where you want to go. You have to go the extra mile.”



Our faculty members are working professionals and experts in the field. 的y’re award-winning game 设计师, accomplished audio artists, expert 程序员. 他们的作品有 钢铁侠, 格斗之王, 《乐博平台APP》. And they’re dedicated teachers, bringing their knowledge of groundbreaking theories and techniques directly into the classroom.


亚历克斯- damarjian - 610.jpg

亚历克斯Damarjian creates games that are not only entertaining, but prove to better the world.
