
Explore the worlds of 定格动画 和 h和-drawn animation in 芝加哥乐博平台APP’s 传统的动画 program. Learn technical 和 storytelling skills 从 a faculty of professional animators with tons of industry experience.

最好的艺术家不断地创造. 在哥伦比亚, you’ll start animating in your first year 和 choose a concentration in either h和-drawn or 定格动画 animation. As a senior, you’ll collaborate with peers to create a six-minute animated film.

There’s a reason we’re consistently ranked among the top animation schools in the Midwest 和 beyond. Columbia animation students bring a unique voice 和 aesthetic to their work, 最重要的是, 雇主需要我们的毕业生. You’ll find Columbia alums around the world working in major animation studios 和 showing films.

We offer a Bachelor of Arts (BA) 和 a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 传统的动画 to fit your career goals 和 personal interests.

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Degrees Available

芝加哥乐博平台APP offers three options for animation-related degrees: a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in 动画 和 a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in either Computer 动画 or 传统的动画. The 动画 BA might interest you if you want to explore multiple animation techniques (h和-drawn, 定格动画, 电脑, 实验),并选择小调或第二大调. The BFA allows you specialize within your area of animation interest 和 complete two animated films by your final year.

If you plan to apply directly to the BFA programs, you’ll need to include some 额外的材料.


In the Classroom


你要修动画史之类的课程, a lecture-based theory class that provides historical context for your work. 你也可以通过创造来学习. In 动画, you’ll animate h和-drawn images 和 move cutouts on a camera st和. 在绘制动画1, you’ll learn the foundations of digital h和-drawn animation using a Cintiq monitor. In Stop-Motion 动画, you’ll create 和 animate puppets. In Alternative Strategies for 动画, you’ll paint on glass 和 animate charcoal drawings. 无论你选哪门入门课程, the final product is a body of artwork to add to your portfolio.


As a senior, you’ll have a few options depending on your degree program 和 personal choice.

BA students have the option of working with a team their senior year to create an animated film in 动画制作工作室. They can also work on their own solo film or take electives that will help them polish their demo reels 和 gain professional-level competency in the areas of their choosing.

BFA students are required to take 动画制作工作室 和 produce their own animated thesis film as a solo project. This is similar in scope to the team project except you’ll have three full semesters to complete it. You’ll work as the producer, director, editor, every other role in between.


This two-semester capstone course is an intensive introduction to the animated film process. You’ll supervise 和 be supervised in roles ranging 从 director to editor. In the first semester you’ll pitch ideas to your team 和 choose a story together. You’ll create preproduction concept art 和 storyboards, move on to h和-draw or build 定格动画 assets. 在第二学期, 你将继续构建和完善电影, 在五月份的清单上展示, Columbia’s annual urban arts festival that celebrates the amazing work of our graduating students.

Outside the Classroom

想了解一下工业生活? 洛杉矶的动画工作室是一个学分, single week January-session course for selected senior 动画 students. You’ll spend the mornings learning professional st和ards 和 industry preparation 和 the afternoons touring local animation studios such as Nickelodeon, 华纳兄弟.,梦工厂,卡通网络,或者迪斯尼.

Student Work


动画 alumni hold jobs in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, production studios around the world. They win Oscars 和 Emmys 和 work at companies like Disney, 皮克斯, 卡通频道, Nickelodeon, 华纳兄弟. 动画、梦工厂、维塔数码等等.

  • Curt Chiarelli ’89 worked as a sculptor on the Emmy Award-winning TV show 机器人鸡 on 卡通频道 和 has done freelance work for Disney, 环球影城, 卢卡斯电影公司, MTV, 和微软.
  • Andrew Huebner ’98 is vice president of animation production at Nickelodeon. Huebner is a Daytime Emmy Award-winning producer 和 production manager on animated TV shows such as 《乐博平台APP》, 马达加斯加的企鹅, 神通:最后的气宗.
  • 17岁的亚伦·莱格(Aaron Legg)创作了这部动画短片 神奇的颈须, which was featured in Chicago’s 2018 Millennium Park Summer Film Series as part of the ChicagoMade Shorts Series. 2017年10月上映后, the short received official selections 从 the 动画 Studio Festival, 怀尔德伍德电影节, 电影放映系列, 还有其他几个节日和商店.
  • Allison Morse ’15 is a design coordinator at ShadowMachine, an award-winning animation hub that is home to shows like BoJack骑马机器人鸡.
  • Daniel López Muñoz ’96 served as the art director for 皮克斯’s Up 和 has character artist credits on major films like 椰子树, 发现海鲂, 勇敢的.
  • Mike Owens is the cocreator 和 executive producer of Amazon’s animated series 危险与鸡蛋. 他获得了2018年日间艾美奖最佳导演奖.
  • Rachael Russakoff ’12 is an animatic editor for Nickelodeon 动画 Studio.
  • 马龙·韦斯特,85年 is an effects supervisor 和 animator at Walt Disney 动画 Studios, 他曾在那里拍摄过《? 狮子王, 波卡洪塔斯, .


Our faculty members are award-winning working professionals, 谁带来了他们对动画的深入了解, 游戏艺术, 电影, 电视, 漫画小说, 和插图到教室.


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Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn combines his comic book chops 和 video game history in the animation classroom.
