
Applications are currently being accepted for this program on a rolling basis.
Time to degree: three semesters (30 credits)

The world needs savvy and creative professionals with contemporary strategic communication skills now more than ever. Our 战略沟通 MA is designed to shape the professionals who will fill this need, creating leaders who plan and execute key communications initiatives across many different spheres.

The 战略沟通 MA provides current, in-demand applied strategic communication skills to help graduates advance in their current fields, secure creative communications management positions, 或者转向新的职业. The degree provides students with a broad range of communications tools, 包括公共关系, 品牌管理, 账户管理, 组织沟通, digital communication strategies and analytics, 创意广告



The 战略沟通 MA program leverages Columbia's unique positioning as a creative leader and industry-focused school with a hands-on approach in the heart of the third-largest 媒体 market nationwide.

Our MA in 战略沟通 students dive into strategic issues and opportunities with improvisation exercises, innovative design ideation sessions, 快速创意原型, 和更多的. Our students tackle real communication issues that brands, 公司, 非营利组织, government agencies and associations face daily. 学生 will gain experience in crafting internal communication, 处理危机情况, overseeing the creation and analysis of campaigns across digital and offline platforms, 和更多的.

You will put your creative energies to work, spending your time learning by doing, and building a robust portfolio of applied industry-based project


Inside and Outside the Classroom


During your first term you will learn and apply up-to-the-minute creative communication 研究 and digital communication techniques on actual client projects in courses like 沟通 Research and Digital Content and Analytics.

在节目中, you’ll also take courses in advertising, 公共关系, 市场营销, 品牌管理, 用户体验设计, 和领导能力.

In your last semester, you’ll be enrolled in 战略沟通 Lab. 在这个实践的顶点课程, you will work directly with an organization (non-profit, 现有的品牌, 或启动). You’ll take additional creative management, 危机沟通, 研究, 数字分析, 以及领导力课程. You will finish your final semester with a series of both theoretical and real-world projects to create a career-ready strategic communication portfolio.


Columbia College Chicago schedules its 战略沟通 courses with working professionals in mind. Courses meet only once a week, and most classes are either online or meet during weekday evenings.  




Careers in 战略Communication

What can you do with a master’s degree in 战略沟通? You can combine your newly developed strategic communication skills with your existing creative talents working with a wide variety of organizations. Or you can leverage your new strategic communication skills to advance your existing career.

Potential job types and career paths include:

  • 战略规划—Shape goals and outcomes at ad agencies, PR agencies, in-house 市场营销 departments, 和更多的.
  • 机构管理—Oversee campaigns and messaging strategies at ad agencies, 公关及推广公司, 数字内容业务, 事件营销公司.
  • 品牌营销管理—Direct 市场营销 teams for businesses and non-profit organizations.
  • Corporate and internal communications—Create messaging for businesses and non-profit organizations.
  • 内容策略—Develop strategies, supervising content creation and platform rollout, and analyzing results.
  • 数字通信管理-选择数字平台, implement creative messaging strategies, and target and analyze communications across social 媒体, 网站, 应用程序, and other e-市场营销 initiatives.


The 战略沟通 MA program draws on faculty expertise from across Columbia College Chicago. Our faculty members are active practitioners in various communication, 市场营销, 媒体, 和领导能力 fields and have established links with ongoing projects, 咨询公司, 客户工作.


  • Holly Bartecki, Executive Vice 总统, Jasculca Terman 战略沟通s
  • 凯文Christophersen, Associate Professor, 沟通
  • Mary Filice, Associate Professor, 商业与创业
  • Yonty Friesem, 研究生 Program Director; Associate Professor, 沟通
  • 劳伦丽丝, Assistant Professor, 互动艺术与媒体
  • 安妮·玛丽·米切尔, Associate Professor, 沟通
  • 劳伦斯·明斯基教授, & Director of 研究生 项目, 沟通
  • 墨菲挂钩,通讯副主席
  • Brian Ngo, Senior Strategist, DDB
  • Jennifer Sadler, Assistant Professor, 商业与创业
  • Clifton Simmons, Lead UX Content Designer, Marketing Innovation and Corporate Brand, Allstate
  • 贾斯汀Sinkovich, Associate Professor, 商业与创业
  • Ryan Smith, Associate Professor, 商业与创业 Department