
In the 音乐行业 bachelor’s degree program at Columbia College Chicago, you’ll learn about the professional teams behind your favorite bands, 音乐会, 节日, 专辑, 和自己. 你将了解音乐是如何变现的, 许可, 和分布式, 你要签字, 释放, and market emerging artists on our student-run record label.


在芝加哥, you will have plenty of opportunities to intern and work at labels, 机构, 工作室, 以及推广公司. Whether you’re an artist or a leader supporting the work of others, 从第一天起你就会沉浸在音乐事业中. 你会把你的技能用在发掘人才上, 分发音乐, 促进艺术家, and 市场营销 events through Columbia’s practicum courses, which include student-run rock and hip-hop record labels, 音乐出版集团, 还有一个音乐场所.


在音乐商业项目, you’ll choose a concentration that allows you to focus on your area of interest and gain relevant experience in your chosen field.


This concentration will give you an understanding of how 音乐 is made, from the artist’s creation of it to fan consumption. It will prepare you to work in the evolving markets of recorded 音乐 songwriting/生产. You’ll learn about the 业务 side and the legal aspects of 音乐 company operations, 音乐授权及发行, 音乐营销.


If you’ve thought about being a tour manager or running your own 音乐 club or venue, 这种专注是给你的. Learn what’s involved in operating a 音乐 venue and taking a live show on the road. This concentration focuses on all aspects of the live 音乐 业务 and covers promotion, 巡回演出, 生活事件, 以及活动赞助.


Managing the careers of bands, producers, and 音乐家 is no small feat. Learn about the responsibilities of artist management, 包括唱片交易的管理, 现场表演, 赞助机会, 品牌发展, 还有艺术家的商业事务.

Real-World Experience

You’ll apply the skills you learn in the classroom to real-life projects in Columbia’s practicum courses. Working at our rock record label or our hip-hop record label, you’ll scout and develop real artists. Or, you can focus on digital distribution and promotion. 如果你选择现场和巡演的集中, you’ll have the chance to work at a local club or run a day-long outdoor festival.

在你的Internships课程中, 你们会有不同的责任, 像物流, 市场营销, 生产, 综合管理, 人才购买. If you take one of these practicums during the spring semester, you’ll have the opportunity to attend South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, where students plan and execute a day-long 音乐 showcase. 



音乐行业 Assistant Professor 亚历克斯Fruchter is co-owner of Closed Sessions, Chicago’s premiere independent hip-hop record label. 他还担任DJ RTC.


Faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom. 他们做过制片人, 音乐家, 标签的主人, 人才童子军, 许可和财务主管, 数字分析师. They’ll be your mentors and help you learn to network so you can gain a strong foothold in the industry before you graduate.

Chicago: A Music Hub

Chicago brings hundreds of acts to 音乐会 and 节日 every year. The city is home to some of the biggest 音乐 节日 in the world—Lollapalooza (which takes place across the street from campus), 春天的觉醒, 防暴电影节, and Pitchfork—and countless small clubs and bars that host open mic nights and underground shows where you can discover your next favorite artist.


Chicago is home to a range of independent labels, 音乐场所, and talent 机构.

Our students intern at local labels and major record companies that include:

  • 充血的记录
  • 兴奋骑师
  • 大西洋的记录
  • 全球坏男孩
  • 鞍溪唱片公司

They join management, booking, and licensing teams at:

  • 亿万公司
  • 商务3
  • 典范人才经纪公司


  • 林肯厅
  • 塔利亚里
  • 的藏身之处

Study Away Opportunities

Columbia offers many opportunities to study away for a week, a semester, or an entire year.

Semester in LA (SiLA) is a 15-week immersion program, during which you’ll intern 20 hours a week in the field and learn from industry professionals in classes taught on a historic Hollywood studio lot. 了解更多关于SiLA的信息.

你也可以和老师一起短途旅行, like a guided trip to the South-by-Southwest (SXSW) conference and festival in Austin, where you will participate in the 音乐 Industry track (a conference about the 音乐 industry) and present an artist showcase.

If you’re interested in studying abroad, we have international exchange programs all over the world. You can study the 音乐 业务 in Germany in a semester-long exchange program with the PopAkademie University or participate in an international band and 业务 camp for one week. 在这个交换项目中, you will apply your 音乐 业务 knowledge with students from schools across Europe.


Columbia College Chicago 音乐行业 alumna Anjel Lopez

“I’m making sure that my guests are having a good time. 在会场或节日现场到处跑, and then doing the same thing all over again the next day.”

——安杰尔·洛佩兹(anjel Lopez, 15岁
参观生产 & VIP Coordinator for artists including Kidz Bop, Lana Del Rey, and Guns N' Roses


音乐商业校友在唱片公司工作, 音乐场所, 以及制片公司的各种角色.

  • Weston Pagano ’17 is an associate 音乐 producer at Leo Burnett, a globablly active advertisement agency based in Chicago.
  • Patrick VanWagoner ’13 is a talent buyer at Chicago 音乐场所 林肯厅 and Schubas.
  • Tiffany Reiner ' 16是一名产品经理, 一个档案, 还是快感骑师唱片公司的Internships协调员, 芝加哥一家与独立电影签约的厂牌, 朋克, 还有金属带.
  • Ryan Cunningham ’13 is a publicist at 商务3 Publicity, a 音乐 PR and management firm that has represented artists such as Daft Punk, 男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军,山, 和Skrillex.
  • Kate Begani ’08 is an agent at 典范人才经纪公司, which has offices in major cities across America and in London and Toronto.

Jobs in Music Business

想知道拿了学位能做什么 音乐 业务? Here are just a few of the jobs our graduates get: 

  • 艺术家经理 
  • 访问管理器 
  • 音乐会的发起人 
  • 伯乐 
  • 出版,音乐许可和版税
  • 销售 
  • 公共关系 
  • 赞助及品牌推广
  • 事件协调员 
  • 票房经理 
  • 舞台监督


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