
你是否对报道乐博平台APP感兴趣, 制作播客, 编辑杂志, 撰写专题故事, 或者主持电视乐博平台APP, our 乐博平台APP program will equip you with the skills 和 connections you need to succeed in the industry. You'll learn the essential journalism skills 和 explore various formats 和 platforms for telling stories that inform, inspire 和 engage — all while working in one of the most exciting news markets in the country.

我们的乐博平台APP专业学生在课堂上获得实践经验, 在Internships和校园刊物上, graduating with a portfolio of work that demonstrates their readiness to enter the industry. And because we are in Chicago — the third largest media market in the country 和 home to some of the most exciting developments in media business models — you'll be in the right place at the right time.



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如果你对当乐博平台APP记者感兴趣的话, 制作人或主播, this interdisciplinary major will set you up with in-dem和 skills 和 a reel to show your accomplishments. H和s-on broadcast experience is combined with practical coursework in topics such as television 和 radio production 和 on-camera talent.

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在杂志集中, we build upon the key skills 和 values of all journalism–accurate reporting, 清晰的写作, compelling storytelling–by preparing you for careers in consumer 和 buisiness-to-business 杂志s. 你可以探索你对专业的热情, 比如时尚或音乐乐博平台APP, 同时培养必要的杂志写作和编辑技能.

在这个集中的老年人可以工作的获奖 回声 杂志, a collaboration with students in 平面设计 和 摄影 that mirrors industry 杂志 production. You'll also have the opportunity for internships at 杂志s in Chicago 和 beyond.

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In a crowded digital media l和scape, we need ethical, accurate journalists more than ever. 作为乐博平台APP与专题专业的学生, 您将学习如何将乐博平台APP置于有助于读者的上下文中, 听众, 观众能理解这个世界.

你将报道商业等话题, 城市事务, 和 the environment as you build a body of work that showcases your ability to use social media to break news 和 report human-interest stories. You may want to join the team at our award-winning weekly student newspaper, the 哥伦比亚纪事报. The newspaper 和 its website are produced by student 编辑器, reporters, 和 designers. You’ll also have opportunities to enter professional journalism award competitions, 出国留学, 找Internships机会.

In the Classroom


你将学习乐博平台APP专业的基础课程要求. 但是我们的入门课也不是传统的调查课. 在你的头几个星期, 你将冒险到城里去, 在教授的密切指导下寻找和发展故事. 有很多机会发表你的故事, 所以你可以在第一年开始做大量的工作. Several of our first- 和 second-year students are published for the first time on our ChicagoTalks website.


在完成所需的报告课程序列之后, 你可以拓展自己的领域,探索自己的兴趣. 如果你喜欢杂志, you’ll be able to take classes in 杂志 和 Feature Writing as well as Advanced Editing, 准备你为杂志媒体写作和编辑. 如果你的激情是时尚, you can take Fashion Writing; if you love digging deep, 你可以选修调查报道. 在学习上述课程和其他Majors课程的同时, 你也可以完成一两个Internships, 我在《乐博平台APP》工作, 并为《乐博平台APP》撰稿.


As a senior, you'll refine your portfolio as you prepare for a career in journalism. 你还将参加我们的一门Internships课程,这些课程反映了行业的情况. These include 回声 杂志, local radio station WCRX-FM; 和 乐博平台APPbeat, a live TV newscast.


Columbia College Chicago’s 乐博平台APP program offers a plethora of exciting specialty courses where you can learn how to cover the topics you care about most. 其中包括城市事务报道, 解决方案的乐博平台APP, 全球多媒体, 时尚乐博平台APP, 涉及政治, 报道西班牙语乐博平台APP, 战争故事:报道退伍军人和难民. 城市提供人口, 地点和故事, 给你报道乐博平台APP和人文故事的实践经验. 你也有机会到国外学习.

Campus Media

乐博平台APP majors have numerous opportunities to contribute to publications 和 even create them:

  • 芝加哥会谈 出版早期报告课程中突出的学生作品.
  • 哥伦比亚纪事报 为学生记者提供有偿机会, 作家, 编辑器, 摄影师, 摄影摄像, 插图画家, 设计师和社交媒体制作人来覆盖校园和城市.
  • 回声杂志 汇集了乐博平台APP业, 平面设计, 摄影和乐博平台APP摄影专业的学生创建一个令人惊叹的印刷杂志.
  • AustinTalks 让学生有机会从芝加哥西区报道, 哪些是其他乐博平台APP媒体经常忽视的.
These print 和 digital publications provide opportunities to enter competitions 和 win awards, as well as to build an impressive portfolio of work 和 be prepared to work in the journalism profession or adjacent fields.

Outside the Classroom


乐博平台APP以给学生提供现实世界的机会而自豪, 和 Chicago is a great place to experience city living 和 the work of journalism. 作为一名乐博平台APP系学生, 你将有机会报道令人兴奋的政治乐博平台APP, 文化, 娱乐, 和体育. The city will be your laboratory as you learn 和 report alongside professional journalists. 

In addition to the many internship opportunities in the nation's third-largest media market, 你将有机会为获奖公司工作. 学生制作的媒体,比如the 哥伦比亚纪事报, 回声 杂志, 台调查, 芝加哥会谈, 奥斯汀会谈哥伦比亚广播电台WCRX-FM.



芝加哥拥有丰富的媒体环境. 在许多城镇成为乐博平台APP沙漠的时候, 芝加哥是众多地方和国家乐博平台APP机构的所在地, as well as consumer 和 business-to-business 杂志s 和 broadcast outlets. 事实上, 芝加哥是令人兴奋的非营利乐博平台APP领域的先驱, 也是创新与合作的孵化器. 

Columbia College maintains great relationships with local media organizations. 我们给学生安排Internships机会,让他们找到工作. 学生与我们的Internships和职业顾问密切合作, 谁引导他们找到各种各样的机会. 

You'll have access to internship opportunities at companies ranging from globally known media outlets to startups. 学生们在全国乐博平台APP媒体:NBC乐博平台APP中获得了任务, 美国有线电视乐博平台APP网, 甘尼特, 彭博乐博平台APP, 年轻的土耳其人. 

他们在芝加哥各大电视台的编辑部Internships, 包括WLS-TV, WMAQ-TV, WBBM-TV 和 WGN-TV; as well as at other local media outlets: 芝加哥太阳时报》现代豪华. 乐博平台APP 和 广播 students have worked at local radio stations including WPWX-FM, WLUP-FM和WKQX-FM. 

此外,还有学生在芝加哥地区以外的媒体工作: 密尔沃基Journal-Sentinel, St. 圣彼得堡时报, 门户乐博平台APP评论

Though an internship is not required, we encourage you to start looking for one your junior year.

了解更多关于乐博平台APP就业中心的信息 能帮你找到合适的Internships机会吗. 


哥伦比亚乐博平台APP学院的Alumni遍布多媒体领域. 从记者到乐博平台APP主播再到数字内容制作人等等, 我们的Alumni在全国各地从事乐博平台APP工作.


  • 佩奇巴恩斯, '21, 周末的早晨 anchor 和 reporter, WSBT-TV in South Bend, Indiana
  • 肯德尔·波利多利,21届,乐评人,《乐博平台APP》杂志
  • Summer Hoagl和-Abernathy, ‘21, press aide at the Office of the Mayor of Chicago
  • Blaise Mesa, ‘19, news reporter on criminal justice 和 social services for Kansas 乐博平台APP Service
  • Megan Perrero, 19岁,《乐博平台APP》副主编
  • 泰拉·博斯尼奇,18岁,陆军中尉办公室通讯专员. 伊利诺伊州州长
  • Jerel巴拉德, '17, director of communications for Public Service Commission of Wisconsin 和 c和idate for Milwaukee’s 2nd aldermanic district
  • Shanice Harris, ‘16, communications editor at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
  • 凯瑟琳•戴维斯, ‘15, 克雷恩芝加哥商业报记者达里尔·霍利迪, ‘12, 城市局的联合创始人和乐博平台APP实验室主任


“Columbia fulfilled me with the fundamentals of news writing— both print 和 TV— 和 I graduated with samples of work that I used to l和 my first paid-job out of college. 我在这个项目中的经历是对未来的一种体验, 我喜欢每天讲述公众的故事.” 

——佩吉·巴恩斯21岁 周末的早晨 印第安纳州南本德WSBT-TV主播兼记者 



“At Columbia, you meet so many different people 和 can work on these projects with them. 这就是现实世界. You're not just stuck in your little bubble 和 you're not just working with journalists all day. You're working with people in various fields who have different knowledge 和 different experiences than you. 这才是乐博平台APP真正为我提供的.”

-肯德尔波里道利 ’21


Creative Spaces and Facilities


我们有音频实验室, 电视工作室, 工作区, 和 professional equipment for 乐博平台APP students to use for individual 和 class projects.

  • WCRX (88.1 FM)
  • 融合编辑部
  • 哥伦比亚纪事报 编辑部



Our faculty members are working professionals who stay up-to-date with industry trends 和 teach them in the classroom. 他们致力于给你一个现实世界的教育, 一旦你毕业,他们就会成为你找工作和推荐信的重要资源. 查看所有系系教员.