
Applications are currently being accepted for this program on a rolling basis. 
Time to degree: two-year and three-year options available (60 credits)

The Master of 美术 program in the Art and Art 历史 Department at Columbia College Chicago will prepare you to be a professional working visual artist. 在这个MFA项目中, you'll develop your art practice in your chosen medium while gaining professional skills related to the business of fine art practice. 我们尤其为我们的研究生教学研讨会感到自豪, a unique-to-the-field course where you gain hands-on experience learning pedagogies for teaching art to others.

我们希望你在如何规划你的职业生涯方面有选择, so we have designed the program with your professional success in mind. 与获奖教师合作, you will create a professional body of artwork while demonstrating mastery of materials and techniques and participating in critiques of your work and the work of others. 作为咨询师, our faculty will share advice on making a living in the constantly changing contemporary art field. The program culminates in a gallery exhibition for graduating MFA students.


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Chicago: A Cultural Hub

Chicago’s contributions to the contemporary art world make it an ideal place to establish your career. 这个城市是一个经济实惠的文化中心, 艺术家在哪里突破了他们的创造力的界限. 作为一名在职艺术家, 你的成功取决于你的人际网络, 在乐博平台APP, we will help you plan and initiate your own strategy for building and nurturing professional relationships, 观众, 和支持者.

在 芝加哥,不缺乏艺术观赏和探索. Columbia is located within walking distance of world-renowned museums and some of the country’s finest alternative and mainstream galleries and spaces. The city is also home to a welcoming artist community that shares and supports new work in innovative ways.

Graduate Faculty

在哥伦比亚, you’ll study with award-winning professional artists/教育家s making innovative contributions to the field. 我们的教师 认真对待他们作为导师的角色. They give thoughtful, supportive critiques and share candid advice about professional practice. They’ll be in your studio, discussing your work and facilitating feedback from your peers.



亚当·布鲁克斯是 普通行业, a collaborative art project dedicated to exploring and celebrating the customary, 日常, 而通常是通过雕塑, 文本, 摄影, video, 声音, 和性能.


保罗Catanese 是混合媒体艺术家吗, 专业协会领导, 作者, 也是研究生项目的主任. 他的作品包括装置, 表演, video, 实验的声音, 预测, 特定的事件, 印刷媒体. 他的作品曾广泛展出, 尤其是在惠特尼美国艺术博物馆, 新当代艺术博物馆, 芝加哥文化中心, 旧金山现代艺术博物馆艺术家画廊, 和拉维莱特.


琼吉鲁 是一位跨学科的艺术家, 积极分子, 他是一位教育家,他的作品采用了手工制作的形式, 数字蒙太奇照片, 动态雕塑, 安装, 全尺寸戏剧作品, 以及社区干预. 在她最近的作品中, Giroux translates aspects of care-giving in domestic and institutional settings to frame reflections on diminishment, 脆弱, 脆弱性, 损失, 和死亡.


邓肯·麦肯齐, 艺术与艺术史系主任, 是一位艺术家, 权威人士, 教育家, 也是创始成员/制作人之一f 不擅长运动, a weekly podcast produced in Chicago that features artists talking about art and the community that makes, 评论, 并对其进行批判.


梅尔·波特 i她是一位跨领域的女权主义艺术家, 作家, and curator whose work has been exhibited in numerous venues including White Columns, 布朗克斯艺术博物馆, 以及芝加哥当代艺术博物馆. 通过与人种学家的跨学科合作, 老师, 和艺术家, her multi-media projects range from felt crafts in the Tusheti region of Republic of Georgia, to a film about the dying Montenegrin tradition in which a girl child becomes a man to preserve her family's legacy.

Combine Art and Entrepreneurship


Columbia’s Master of 美术 program takes a pragmatic approach to educating fine artists. We believe that your artistic practice should be supported by thoughtful and deliberate professional experiences. We’ve incorporated courses and experiences into the curriculum that ensure you’re gaining the practical skills needed to build a sustainable career.

你会批判性地思考赠款之类的话题, 派驻, 合同, 网络, 以及观众的培养,除了提炼你的艺术作品. You’ll take graduate-level courses in media arts, law, and leadership in arts management. You’ll work closely with our faculty to hone the skillset that’s right for your particular career path. 你还将参加研究生教学研讨会, which makes you eligible for opportunities to teach as instructor of record in the Art and Art 历史 Department.

Fine Arts MFA Thesis Interviews

Each year, our graduating MFA students put together thesis exhibitions. Below are three interviews with recent alumni discussing their visual arts practice, 他们在乐博平台APP的时光, 以及他们最终作品背后的想法.






MFA Studios and Facilities

Every graduate student gets their own dedicated studio space at Columbia, 都在同一栋楼的同一层. The proximity in studio space allows for greater collaboration between our MFA students and our senior BFA students, allowing for an ongoing dialogue and inspiration among our students. Watch the video below for a peek into some of the students for our MFA的24 and MFA '25 students, 专访小安德烈·巴克, MFA的24.

除了在芝加哥市中心的校园工作室, you’ll have access to an incredible wealth of facilities—like our 15,000-square-foot 制造设施 as well as our digital printing bureau and media center outfitted with projectors, 相机, 照明, 以及音响设备.

我们在芝加哥市中心的创意空间包括书籍装订, 造纸, 以及印刷媒体工作室和摄影设施. 我们有足够的空间让你开始工作, 包括专用安装空间和高度灵活, 1,200平方英尺, 多用途黑盒式实验室

我们的 校园画廊 host student exhibitions, including the culminating exhibition for the MFA program.



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We have everything you’ll need to explore book arts, hand 造纸, letterpress, and printmaking. With four distinct studios spread across two buildings, you’ll have plenty of space to experiment.


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Edit, design, and sketch the day (or night) away in the computer lab. 使用最新的Mac OS和Windows专业软件, 有专业的工作人员随时帮助您.


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Experience 15,000 square feet of state-of-the-art equipment in Columbia’s central making space. 用最新的机器, 电动工具, 和设备, you can create everything from jewelry to 3D models to furniture in one collaborative space.


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摄影 students have access to a state-of-the-art ink jet print lab and 照明 studio, 还有大面积的暗房.


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在时尚实验室里把你的服装从概念变成现实, with all the industry-standard equipment and software you’ll need to make runway-ready garments under one roof.
