Cinema and Television Directing (MFA)

Time to degree: two years plus thesis (56 credits)

最好的导演需要同样精通领导、讲故事和制作技巧. 作为芝加哥乐博平台APP电影和电视导演专业的美术硕士候选人, you'll learn how to craft character-driven narratives, 带领船员, 并以人类的经历为基础,创造多样化和真实的电影. 你将完成包括编剧在内的领域的深入学习, cinematography, editing and sound, and 可怕的ct your own scripts and those written by others. 你将有机会在独立短片和系列制作工作. 对于你的论文项目,你将开发和指导一个短片或情节试点.


group of students shooting on location

In the Classroom

In the first year, you’ll make several short films, exercising creative control and learning to collaborate. You will study cinematic visual storytelling. In addition, 通过研究生研讨会和放映,您将加深对电影和电视史以及当代电影和电视业的理解. 在两个学期结束时,研究生Faculty将对你的工作进行建设性的评论.

在你们的最后一年,你们将合作创作一个原创系列. You will also develop and write a long form project, either a feature screenplay or show bible for a series. 同时,您将与两位论文顾问一起开发和拍摄您的论文电影. In Thesis Workshop, 你将通过个性化的排练来探索你的论文材料, pre-visualization exercises, exploratory shoots, 批判, and discussion. 这段时间的探索将帮助你进一步发展你的论文电影的剧本和前期制作, 作为论文要求的一部分,你将执导和筛选哪些影片.


你的论文项目是一个原创的媒体作品——一部短片, a short television pilot, or multiple 简短的网络节目——它汇集了你在课程中学到的一切. You will write a script, 创建可视化材料,制定铸造计划,协作 with other creatives as shoot your project, and screen at an end-of-semester premiere screening. Thesis projects have a maximum length of 15 minutes.  

过去的MFA论文项目曾在众多电影节上放映s and won awards. Some recent examples:  

  • “Close Ties to Home Country,” 导演 by Akanksha Cruczynski (’21) and produced by Felicia Ferrara (’21), 曾在圣丹斯电影节、特柳赖德电影节、芝加哥国际电影节放映 节日 and others, and received a Silver Student Academy Award. 
  • Abhagir Swargo (Heaven for the Unfortunate) 导演 by Tridev (’21), 是 included on the 2022 Yugo BAFTA Student 奖 Live Action Short List. 
  • 桑特é,” produced and 可怕的cted by Taylor Dominique Mason, 是 an official selection in the 2022 Black Harvest Film 节日. 
  • “Brother,” 导演 by Aleksei Borovokov (’22) and produced by Chris Sonnenschein (’22) won “Best Short Film” 获得骄傲酷儿电影节最佳国际短片奖 & Loud – Pune International Queer Film 节日, andfeatured in 10 other 节日.  
  • “Jack and Anna,” 导演 by Ksenia Naughton, 是 featured in over 40 film 节日 并赢得了B。2019年SCAD萨凡纳电影节全球短片:超越彩虹奖” and a Silver Telly Award. 


Outside the Classroom

你将有无限的机会与乐博平台APP充满激情的电影社区接触. 下面是一些发生在课堂之外的激动人心的事件:

  • Advance Screenings: watch independent and ma在我们自己的电影排电影院放映之前,主要的工作室发行. 
  • 框架:一系列学生制作的视频访谈,让高年级学生和研究生谈论他们的电影制作过程.
  • 大学电影和录像协会(UFVA):对教学感兴趣的学生每年参加这个国际会议.
  • 电影节:芝加哥举办了几个著名的电影节. Some 节日, like the Chicago Feminist Film 节日, 是由学校的老师和学生组织的吗. We encourage students to submit their films and volunteer.
  • Volunteer opportunities: 学生 are invited to vol参加著名的芝加哥国际电影节和芝加哥的其他文化活动.
  • 电影和电视相关的学生组织,包括哥伦比亚编辑协会, The Experimental Film Society, and the Cult Cinema Club.

Creatives Spaces and Facilities

Creatives Spaces and Facilities

We offer a number of audio and post-production facilities, equipment rental centers, professional sound stages, 以及配备行业标准软件和技术的电视演播室.

View the full list of facilities


乐博平台APP培养了许多成功的Alumni. Our alumni find work in the industry right out of college, and some have gone on to win Oscars, 艾美奖, and Golden Globes.

Alumni highlights


  • 阿雅娜·弗洛伊德(Ayanna Floyd) 1998年毕业,是电视剧《乐博平台APP》和《乐博平台APP》的联合执行制片人, and has writing credits on episodes of Empire, 的气, Falling Skies, and Private Practice.
  • Akanksha Cruczynski MFA '21, Director; Felicia Ferrara MFA '21, 制片人:《乐博平台APP》:阿肯沙和费利西亚的论文电影在圣丹斯电影节上放映, 碲化, 阿斯彭, and other film 节日, 是 on the BAFTA short list, and won a Silver Student Academy Award.
  • Michael Goi ’80 is a cinematographer, 导演, 作家, 也是电影和电视节目的制片人,比如《乐博平台APP》, 《乐博平台APP》, Pretty Little Liars, and American Horror Story. Goi是美国电影摄影师协会的主席.
  • 雅努什·卡明斯基87年是一位两次获得奥斯卡奖的电影摄影师,他的作品包括《乐博平台APP》, Schindler’s List, 林肯, and The Post.
  • 79岁的德克兰·奎因是一名电影摄影师,也是《乐博平台APP》的摄影导演, 28天, 和大卫·莱特曼的《我的下一位嘉宾.
  • 克里斯蒂安·斯普林格(Christian Sprenger)是07届艾美奖电视节目《亚特兰大》的摄影师, 发光, 篮子, and Last Man on Earth.
  • Bob Teitel ' 90是一位制片人和作家,他的作品包括《乐博平台APP》, the Barbershop movies, and the Academy Award-nominated Mudbound.
  • Antonia Tighe是一名编辑,曾凭借电视剧《乐博平台APP》获得艾美奖.
  • 乔丹·沃格特·罗伯茨于2006年执导了电影《乐博平台APP》和《乐博平台APP》.
  • Lena Waithe ’06 is an Emmy Award-winning 作家, 女演员, and producer on shows and films such as Dear White People, 骨头, Master of None, 和Chi, 并被《乐博平台APP》杂志评为2018年100位最具影响力人物之一.
  • 黛安·韦尔曼(Diane Weyermann) 1992年文学硕士,是参与者媒体纪录片和电视的总裁. 参与者媒体的纪录片项目包括奥斯卡获奖纪录片《乐博平台APP》和《乐博平台APP》,以及艾美奖获奖纪录片《乐博平台APP》, 公司. and Emmy-nominated The Great Invisible.
  • Annick Wokan ' 05是获奖电视剧《乐博平台APP》的副制片人. Read more profiles of Cinema and Television Arts alumni.

Read more profiles of Cinema and Television Arts alumni.


Our faculty members are working professionals, documentarians, 生产商, 紧跟行业发展趋势并在课堂上教授这些知识的导演和编辑. They’re dedicated to giving you a real-world education, 一旦你毕业,他们是找工作和推荐信的好资源.

可怕的cting faculty

View all department faculty.